Monday, April 18, 2016

Facebook Deception/Exploitation...Too Common

Day 162

Will people ever stop believing everything they see on Facebook?

Hey, "Warishell", those are actors in a movie called Tropic Thunder. Ben Stiller (middle), Robert Downey Jr (second from right) and Jack Black (on the far right). I don't know the names of the other two actors on the left. This is NOT a picture of Vietnam veterans. If your going to exploit veterans, at least use an actual picture of veterans.

This little gem (see above) was shared by my sister in law. A woman with a good heart married to my brother who happens to be an actual Vietnam veteran. I doubt she has ever seen the movie Tropic Thunder so she would not recognize the actors in the picture. I'm sure there are many others who won't know the difference either.

Someone is probably wondering "What does it hurt?"

It makes me angry when someone tries to use veterans, small children or anyone suffering, to try to guilt people into liking and sharing their made up BULLSHIT; so they can sell their site. Sell it because it's so POPULAR it get's thousand of likes on Facebook. Or if not for money, for some perverse need to fool people thus making the perpetrator feel superior. How sad.

I'll step down off my soapbox now.

Until tomorrow,


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