Thursday, December 31, 2015

Raw Vegan Diet & Weight Loss in 2016

Day 53
"Tonight we feast, tomorrow we diet."

This is it. My last day of feasting and drinking. Dionysus will wonder what has become of me. My body will mourn the passing of my appetite for sugary foods. No bread shall pass my lips. The cravings will be unbearable at first but will eventually recede as does the morning tide each day. Healthy eating will become a way of life. For at least the first few days of January. Already I have stocked last minute delights I plan to eat before I begin (once again) my quest for a smaller waistline. Naturally there will be some leftover on January 1, 2016. I live on a tight budget and have a very hard time throwing food away. This year I will dispose of anything detrimental to my weight loss program on the first day of January.

A friend has suggested following a Raw Vegan diet for better physical and spiritual health. Janet Allen PhD, RN has recently written a book about her spiritual journey that led to raw vegan foods and the benefits of following a raw vegan diet.

Spiritual Effects of Live Food: Diet for a New Age tells of the benefits of eating raw organically grown vegetables and fruits for a healthier, more satisfying life. She tells of her own experiences as well as the experiences of others, while purging the build up of toxins from years of eating cooked foods. Heating foods above 118 degrees F causes the food to lose the full nourishment it is capable of providing. She also explains proper harvesting of plants for maximum benefits while respecting the synergy between earth and humans.

At a recent retreat, I had the pleasure of tasting several of the sweet treats she makes from healthy, organic ingredients. They were delicious and quickly disappeared. Janet has already been asked to bring more to next years retreat.

The first book covers mostly the health and spiritual benefits of living and eating in harmony with nature. Janet's soon to be released second book will be filled with recipes as well as tips for growing, harvesting and canning for later use. She grows most of her own foods in her garden and has an abundance in the autumn that she stores for use during the earths winter sleep. If the recipes in her second book are as delicious as the treats at the retreat, I have no doubt her second book will be a great success.

I enjoy chicken and steak and probably always will. I won't debate the issue of animals for food supplies. I will admit that Janet Allen's book has made me reconsider some of my diet choices. Though I don't believe I will ever be a vegan, I do try to live in harmony with this earth. We are made of this earth, it is our mother, and to her our bodies will return. We should respect her.

If you are interested in learning more about Janet Allen PhD, RN or her insightful book Spiritual Effects of Live Food: Diet for a New Age click here. Watch for her new cookbook coming soon in 2016. For more up to date info click the link above.

Until next year,


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Succubus: A Poem by Kenneth A. Stephenson

Day 52

A poem by
Kenneth A. Stephenson

As I waited in solitude
In the quiet of my room
The door slowly opened
And there she stood
The reason for my self exile

Her naked body
Framed in soft light
Her hair cascaded
Over her shoulders
Like a red gold waterfall

Stars dancing in the depths
Of her blue-green eyes
She called my spirit to her
And held it in her arms
I could only watch

Helpless to act
As her fingers gouged deep
And my flesh was torn
Her teeth sank ever
Into my shoulder

My very being 
Flowed like a river
As my love spilled
Upon the floor
Until I was empty

All rights reserved. Copyright 1989, 2015

Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What a Day!

Day 51

Yes. It has snowed. I'm not happy about it but what can I do. I cleared enough snow to get the snowblower turned around and started. I parked the snowblower by my door back in October. It was started once to get ready for the season and there it has remained until today.

There are basically two types of snow here in Michigan; the heavy wet snow that's like overcooked sticky rice, and there's the dry light snow like boxed mash potato flakes. The first snow of the season is almost always the former.

I have a small Toro snowblower. One speed, no drive assist. It only moves as fast as I can push it and it only throws the snow ten feet on it's best day. My deck gets the snow removed first. The deck Is twenty feet long and twenty feet wide. By the time I get half way across the snow height has doubled. Five more feet and it has tripled. When I get to the edge I'm pushing more than I'm throwing. Still better than shoveling by far.

I'm a bit overweight. I'm 5' 10" and weigh 300+ so you can probably guess I don't get a lot of exercise. My New Years resolution is to lose weight. Again.

I'm out there huffing and puffing and blowing harder than the big bad wolf, when a thought occurs to me. More people die of heart attacks, while shoveling snow, than any other time. I know this because the old friend I went to visit a week ago is a retired insurance adjuster for State Farm Insurance. He recited the fact when I mentioned clearing away the snow at my house. Rather, I mentioned how happy I was "not" having to clear away the snow at my house, because it hadn't snowed yet.

Clearly I was intimidated as any sane person would be. So I only cleared snow for a short time and came back in the house. I hooked myself up to my home heart monitor and watched TV, while I rested and ate a snack (just to keep my energy up). I went back and cleared a little more snow, then came back inside again to rest and monitor. I did this all day long. It worked well. I should be able to clear the other half of the deck tomorrow. Then I'll tackle the path to the driveway. Then the driveway. I figure I'll have it done by next spring.

Until tomorrow,


Monday, December 28, 2015

How Many Minutes is Your Life Worth?

Day 50

I want to get this done early because we are having a winter storm here in Michigan that could include snow, sleet and freezing rain. And it could cause my electricity to go out.

As in many other areas, when the snow flies driving gets a little crazy. Some drivers act as though the roads are fine and just speed along in a hurry to get to where they're going. Conversely, if you are driving well under the speed limit and other drivers are constantly passing you. Either way you probably shouldn't be driving until the road conditions improve.

YouTube has numerous videos showing accidents on snowy roads because drivers were moving too fast to safely change lanes or stop. Some of these accidents were caused by someone driving much slower than the rest of traffic. If your afraid to drive, then don't. Stay home or if you must go out get someone else to drive you.

Most of the accidents were drivers in a hurry to get somewhere (home, work, store, etc) a few minutes sooner.

So I ask, "How many minutes is your life worth?" Is it worth your life to get home thirty minutes sooner? Twenty minutes? Ten? Is it worth risking your life or others lives to arrive at your destination sooner rather than later? Even emergency vehicle drivers must consider is it worth the risk of not arriving at all just to get there a few minutes sooner.

My suggestion is to save lives. Stay home if you can. If you must drive,  do so at a safe speed in keeping with the road conditions.

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, December 27, 2015

I have No Idea What to Write About Next

Day 49

Here I sit with my double Southern Comfort trying to decide what to write on my blog. It's been a hectic holiday season which did supply some ideas for the blog. But recently the well has run a little dry. I have explored other ways to keep up with my 365 day blog challenge especially when the imagination doesn't want to dance. As long as I write something I feel I am satisfying the spirit of the challenge.

As you may have noticed I have issued famous quotes when I'm really pressured. I also thought of Fiverr. If you don't know anything about Fiverr, basically someone will offer to do something for you for $5. Example: I will record your birthday greeting in Darth Vader's voice for $5; I will draw you as a cartoon character for $5. Need Facebook followers? I'll guarantee 500 Facebook fans for $5. There are many different things. Here is a link to Fiverr if you wish to check it out.

I thought I could get someone to write my blog entry for me. I checked on Fiverr and there were many who offer writing services. Only one catch...I have to tell them what I want the article to be about. If I new what I wanted to write about, I wouldn't be paying someone $5 to write it for me. I can write the entry myself. I just need some ideas. This article is what I came up with for today.

As I have written before...they can't all be gems.

Until tomorrow,


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens...Still a Little Sleepy

Day 48

I'm sure I'll take heat for this but being a fan of Star Wars since 1977 when the first movie came out, I have to say the latest installment seemed like a 2+ hours setup for the next two movies. I agree with reviews that compare the new movie to the originals. There are great special effects and the storm troopers still have terrible aim. The emergence of past characters gives the movie some a hint of the original as the baton is being passed to a new generation of heroes and villains. I had hoped the new movie would be taken from one of the numerous Star Wars novels but I was disappointed. There are shades of the novels but nothing concrete.

I have to write that the movie, for me, was just OK. With Disney taking over I was hoping for better. I don't want to reveal anything and I'm not a movie critic. The movie has set records for ticket sales which is exactly what Disney was looking for, so in that respect the movie is a great success. As for the story I believe fans deserve better. If your looking for a taste of nostalgia, this movie is for you. I can only hope the next two movies will be better and not follow suit.

Until tomorrow, may the force be with you,


Friday, December 25, 2015

A Christmas Story...That Almost Wasn't

Day 47

Being in any branch of the military a member can find themselves far from home and family even during the holidays. Vigilance doesn't take a vacation at least that's what they told us. I was fresh out of submarine school and onboard the USS Surgeon SSN 637 fast attack submarine. And in two weeks we were headed for the Mediterranean Sea for a six month deployment that would keep us away from  our home port of Charleston, S.C. past Christmas. Having only been in Charleston for two weeks, I hadn't had time to develop a relationship with someone special. This was to be, however, the first time I would be away from home during the holidays.

During my time in the Mediterranean I had many adventures, but those are for another time. After 4 1/2 months we were told we would be coming home early.

I need to stop here to explain shipboard entertainment. We had a stereo cassette player, we decks of cards and we had movies. Some of the movies were old classics, some were not yet released to theaters (a benefit of fighting for democracy). Back in the early eighties we used reel to reel film projectors shown a pull down silver screen. We would upgrade to VHS shown on a TV within a few years.

Picking a movie was a big deal. Everyone had a favorite in mind and would shout out their selection, The rookies (new guys on board) were then sent to get the movie from the large pile in the bow (front of the ship). On this occasion about 100 movies were stacked beneath the escape hatch. The only thing more useless on a submarine than the escape hatch was the emergency marker buoy. This was a 6 ft x 3 ft x 2 ft orange float that would be released in the event the ship sank a DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle would follow the attached cable down to the escape hatch and the crew would be rescued. The only problem was the resue buoy was welded to the hull and couldn't be released. The government didn't want the Russians to find an intact US submarine before the US did. More on this at another time also.

The rule concerning retrieving the movie from the bow that many rookies didn't know was "If you go and get it, you get to choose it". As long as you can get it on the projector and started before someone objects to the movie and stops you from showing it. Several methods were used to try to show less desirable films. The all-time worst movie was "I Am The Cheese", not I Cut the Cheese, we would have loved that movie no matter how bad it might be. Some ways to show a movie before being vetoed. 1. Cover it with a blanket and hope no one checked. 2. Run the blockade like a fullback 9Too many people got hurt. 3. (My favorite) switch the film with a popular film so the guys thought they were getting one movie but really they were getting another. Once it starts it stays as long as you can keep someone from stopping it.

Back then we did have teaser trailers on YouTube so we could see what a movie was about and if it looked worth watching. We had to guess by the title. There was a movie on board called "A Christmas Story". You know the story of Ralphie and the Red Ryder bb rifle. Not an exciting title but I was ready for some Christmas. All we knew about this movie was it was rated G. That meant no T&A. Try showing twenty-five, late teen and early twenties, randy young seamen, a movie that doesn't show T&A. A near impossible task. Although there was a leg lamp.

I tried for five days to show this movie. It became my Moby Dick, my white whale, without T&A. Finally, I hired several of the more persuasive members of the crew, but it came at a heavy cost, three packs of Marlboro reds. It was worth it. My minions cordoned off the area around the projector, my fingers faltered as I tried to thread the film. The crew was getting restless. Finally I cried, "Smoke the flick." And it was off and running. Some guys left but most stayed. Some even congratulated me on my moxie. It took only a few minutes and the film was an instant cult hit. That movie held the record for consecutive showings at 12. There was a short hiatus and the film ran again for another 5 days. We learned we would be home for Christmas. And all was right with the world.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Presents...Not Yet...Under the Tree

Day 46

Just a short few weeks after we had our Thanksgiving feast came Christmas. My mom and dad, like all parents, tried to hide the Christmas presents from us until the great day. We lived in a two story colonial with a walk up attic and a basement so there were lots of places to hide the booty.

My older brother Tom and I would patiently wait for our mom and dad to step out for awhile so we could start our adventure. We would search high and low. Often my brother Tom would suggest we split up so we could search more places. I suspected he already new where the cache of gifts was hidden. He just wanted me out of the way so he could figure out what was in the boxes wrapped in festive paper. Later, he would tell me he had no luck and the shopping for presents hadn't been done yet. Such a lame attempt. I reminded him I was the one who had all A's on the last report card from school.

I followed him to the top of the stairs and turned right toward the attic door. But Tom turned left, toward our parents bedroom. "Oh no" I thought, "We can't go in there." Our parents bedroom was strictly of limits to us. If the goods were in there, we might never see them. Our dad might decide to keep this years toys for himself. He could play with them any time in his bedroom and we would never know. We would get socks and underwear. I didn't want socks and underwear!

"C'mon", said Tom. Beads of sweat began to form on my brow, I couldn't stop now that we were so close. I stepped into my parents bedroom. My brother went straight for the closet as if he had been here before and already knew exactly where the treasure was hidden. "Go listen for mom and dad," he told me.

"Just give them a shake and let's go back downstairs," I said. "Mom and dad could be home any second."

My brother would not be swayed. He examined the biggest box. Like Indiana Jones, rubbing the stubble on his chin, calculating just the right amount of sand necessary to replace the golden idol without triggering certain doom. (This was long before Indiana Jones graced the silver screen) Carefully Tom tugged at the tape holding the wrapping paper, trying hard not to tear it. RIP! A small tear appeared. Could that be fixed so as to be unnoticeable? My brother wouldn't stop now, so close to knowing. So close. Then, bang. A car door slammed and we could hear the back gate creak as it swung open. They were home!

I must confess, I panicked and fled for the stairs, leaving my brother behind to face the music alone. I jumped the last three steps and landed at the bottom of the staircase with a loud thump. The back door opened, my parents were laughing as they stomped the snow from their shoes. They had just been to the grocery store for some last minute items for Christmas dinner. My grandma was very particular about her ingredients for her Waldorf salad.

I thought, maybe I could delay them in the kitchen and give my brother more time to make repairs and get downstairs. "Uhm, how did it go?"

"Fine," said mom. "Where is your brother?"

I was caught. Snooping was one thing but lying was another. It wasn't a leap I was ready to make. I hung my head. "He's..."

"Right here," said my brother, standing behind me.

 "Yeah," I repeated, "He's right here."

"Help get the groceries from the car," she told us. "And take out the trash, tomorrow is pick up day."

I asked my brother about the big box later when we went to bed, but he wouldn't tell me what he had seen inside the wrapping paper. No matter how I begged. I assumed he didn't know, just wanted me to think he did. All he would say is, "It's going to be a good Christmas this year."

That year I received a big, yellowTonka Dump truck. It came in a big box. The wrapping paper on the end was ripped and the tape barely held on. No matter. I tore the evidence to shreds when I unwrapped the gift with a child's enthusiasm. One of many great childhood memories.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

As the Hawk Flies...Into My Window

Day 45

"It was then I saw a young hawk flyin' and my soul began to rise"
Bob Seger

I was sitting in my writing chair (aka easy chair, TV chair, napping chair). I was contemplating my blog and what profound information I would share today. When I heard a loud thump. At first I didn't think much of it, being an unseasonably warm day I had let my cats go outside before the inevitable winter freeze. My first thought was one of the cats had jumped onto the deck from a bench, one of their favorite spots for soaking up sun. After a few minutes I remembered the neighbors dog often is loose and likes to chase my cats. I decided to investigate.

Peering out the door I saw nothing amiss, meaning no hyperactive brown hound dog running across my deck. I was curious about the thump and decided to look around. I found the answer almost immediately when I saw the broken glass on my deck. Walking over to the broken window I saw that the upper pane was broken. My eyes were then drawn to a brown feathered bird lying on the sill between the bottom pane of glass and the inner winter window. Carefully I began to pull away the broken glass. Trying to hurry in case the bird was only stunned. Although I was sure from the angle of the neck that it was broken. Still birds have been known to cock their heads at odd angles, even upside down.

Once I had most of the sharp glass shards cleared away, I gingerly reached in for the bird. As I pulled the limp body from the window I felt a pang of regret. I thought of this magnificent bird once flying over fields and riding the currents to soar the lofty heights. I took the hawk out to the woods behind my home and gently placed it on the ground for nature to take it's course, The hawks body will provide nourishment for other of earth's creatures. Nothing in nature is wasted.

I returned to the job of covering the window opening. A quick trip to the Home Depot store for a sheet of wood and some furring strips. Upon my return home it began to rain. It was a gentle rain and did little to slow me down. The opening was covered. Now the search for a new window. Nothing local so onto the internet. Best price $80 plus shipping. The cost to ship? One site read purchase the window first and then they would tell me the cost to ship. On to another site. Window listed $80 cost of shipping to my zip code $120. WOW!!!

Then I remembered my old standby for any repairs. YouTube. BINGO. There are several video's explaining how to replace the glass without replacing the whole window. Easy-peezy-lemon-squeezee. Only problem is it's too cold to properly use silicon caulk. So in honor of my procrastinating nature, I'll do it in the spring.

So that was today's adventure here in Houghton Lake.

Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Favorite Scrooge

Day 44

Ever since Charles Dickens penned A Christmas Carol the character named Ebenezer Scrooge has been used to describe anyone we feel is not in keeping with the Christmas spirit. Yet everyone loves a villain especially one who eventually see's the error of his ways and tries to rectify the wrongs.

So in keeping with the season I give you my favorite Scrooge.

Many have played Scrooge over the years both in cinema and live onstage. George C. Scott, Albert Finney, Kelsey Grammer, Tim Curry, Patrick Stewart and Jim Carrey to name a few. From The Muppets to Mr McGoo, all with their own variations on Scrooge.

My all time favorite is Alistair Sims in the movie Scrooge, the black and white version. I'm not a fan of colorizing B&W films. I just think he has the look of the character and his change is most convincing and so much fun "I must stand on my head". I like the Scrooge dance and the sincerity of his apology to his nephews wife is priceless.

The Disney version, starring Jim Carrey, is a delight and a marvelous feat of animation. I was not however, impressed with Scrooges being chased all over London by the Ghost of Christmas Future driving a horse driven coach. It was a complete departure from the original and did nothing for the story but add a chase scene.

Well it's been another long day and the holidays will soon be over and I will try to tell more interesting stories. Thanks for stopping by.

Until tomorrow,


Monday, December 21, 2015

Tip Up Town USA 2016 Is Coming

Day 43

Tip Up Town USA 2016

Tip Up Town USA is coming January 22-24, January 29-31 and it's good it will be so late in January because as of today (December 21) there is still no ice on the lake and it has been raining all day. No snow. But fear not readers. This has happened before, some years back. The last time an el nino tropical storm happened in the Pacific. I believe it's the Pacific. Well, anyway.

If you have never been to our little winter festival you have been missing out on a winter good time. Happening the last two weekends in January, when the cold is in it's prime and the temperature is normally in the single digits. We like to step outside and play. Which includes ice fishing and snowmobiling.

Tip Up Town is a celebration of more. At Tip Up Town you can slide down an ice slide, try turkey bowling, and enter a best beard contest. There will be games, magicians, pie eating contests and entertainment in the heated family tent. For those who prefer a little something stronger there's the adult only beer tent, also heated (not the beer). And live entertainment.

Of course, we have an ice fishing contest complete with rules that you can find here ice fishing contest rules.

There's also a Shanty Decorating contest, The crazy part is it doesn't have to be an actual shanty. Click here for rules Shanty Decorating Contest.

The 2016 Tip Up Town Fun Run will be held on January 23, 2016 at 9:45 AM at the Tip Up Town site. There is a $20 fee. For more info and application Fun Run 2016.

More to come.

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Visiting an Old Friend

Day 41

This is a special day as I will be visiting an old friend. His name is Bob and he lives in an assisted living facility in Bad Axe, Michigan, close to his daughter. I was dating their daughter back in the 70's and early 80's. Along with her brother, they were a second family to me. She visited her parents often, helping with her mother. Bob recently lost his wife of almost 60 years. This will be his first Christmas alone.

I've had some experience with losing someone so close to me. A holiday can be a very hard time. I'm sure his daughter and son will visit and that should be a big help. I go to visit an old friend. We'll talk and disagree about the days issues, as we have done since we first met. Just playful banter. We'll reminisce about the old times because those are mostly what we have in common. And we'll probably disagree about those too. We'll skim over the rough spots and remember the good times.

We may make a confession or two about some old conflict we had that never really mattered, although they seemed so important at the time. I like to believe I've moved on from the head strong and sometimes immature youth that I was then. I'm sure he'll remind me of some of the highlights.

With today's social media, where it's a competition to have as many online "friends" as possible, it just seems we've lost the true meaning of friendship. We send our thoughts, feelings and experiences out onto the internet for all to see and read. It's like a huge popularity contest. Today people tell all to their online friends, things we would never have told anyone but our closest best friend. I guess I'm just out of touch.

So I make the two and a half hour drive to see an old friend and tell a few tales on this Sunday afternoon.

Until tomorrow,


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Around Houghton Lake

Day 41

 The new Little Caesars pizza has finally opened and they are have raffle for several prizes including a 55" TV. Register at the new building between Arby's and Garretts restaurants on M-55.

The matriarch of the Riviera Resort Hotel M-55 & M-18 has recently passed away. Rumor has it the surviving children will be selling the resort.

Still no ice on the lake even though we've had below freezing temperatures over the last couple of days. The temps are going back up starting tomorrow and could top out on the 23rd at 50 degrees. If this keeps up we'll have a brown Tip Up Town next year. Might have to put the boat in for the fishing contest. Contestants could jump off a pontoon boat for the Polar Bear Dip. No worries as I'm sure the ice will get thick fast and in plenty of time for TUT.

Been sippin' on my Comfortable eggnog for awhile now and nothing is coming to me. So I'll call it a night.

Until tomorrow,


Friday, December 18, 2015

My New Years Resolutions

Day 40

I expect to have a few days off to concentrate on my writing during this busy time of the year. Christmas is just around the corner and the beginning of a New Year. The start of the year, of course, begins with promises of self improvement.

I myself am making the New Years resolutions of: losing weight and keeping it off, and getting at least two books published. These two are linked because when I lose weight it's easier to concentrate without feeling weary. staying sharp and focused is the name of the game when writing.Plus when I publish I will be travelling from place to place around Michigan doing book signings and for that I'll need to be in much better shape and looking and feeling my best.

Here's the plan. I start by eating properly proportioned meals 3-4 times a day. Coupled with an exercise program designed for weight lose and muscle tone. This will take care of the weight problem. I've done it before I just couldn't get past the holidays. This time I'm starting after the holidays. It will still require will power to get past the Superbowl but I believe I can do it without snacking.

The second part will require discipline. I must set aside time each and every day to write and edit. My first project will be a book of poetry. I have a natural knack for poetry. I believe I can produce and edit this quickly and go through the publishing process while planning my first novel. This won't be as easy.

I have a number of ideas for novels, almost all of which I want to make into a series of novels. Recently someone suggested I pick the three strongest ideas I have and write the first ten pages of each. Then go with the one that feels the best. The plan is to finish and publish by the end of the year or sooner.

My muse for the poetry will be Michigan autumn. The poetry book is to get my name out there and I will follow it with another if it shows promise. The winter is the best time for me to write and create because I don't go ice fishing. So I'll be spending most of my time at home. Hopefully writing.

So that is to be my New Years resolutions. The time is now.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, December 17, 2015

New Joy of Painting Has Arrived

Day 39

The New Joy of Painting book has finally arrived. I can't wait to delve onto this book and read about painting without the numbers. Hopefully I can create a very good and expressive painting. Bob Ross makes it look so simple; his paintings come out so beautiful, I can hardly wait for summer. I don't have the ventilation to paint inside.

I ordered this book from Amazon and it came with tracking. The book arrived in within a week and in excellent condition. My only complaint is with the tracking. Basically it was just marked "item shipped" until it arrived. No tracking info. I thought it was never going to get here. It's Christmastime and I was a little anxious.

I ordered another book from Toledo, OH just south of Detroit. The tracking shows it was picked up in Toledo and went from there to Warrendale, PA several hundred miles to the east. Now it gets to come back to Detroit and then shipped north to Houghton Lake. Seems wasteful to me.

I guess I need to relax and paint a landscape scene on canvas, with a 2" paintbrush and a paint scraper. Miraculous.

Until tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Elwood P Dowd Said It Best

Day 38

Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" -- she always called me Elwood -- "In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd from Harvey
One of my favorite quotes from the movie Harvey starring the late Jimmy Stewart. A fantastic movie about a gentle soul and a 6 feet tall rabbit called Harvey. Harvey is a pooka (Irish folklore) capable of either good or evil depending on it's mood. I think I met one once. 
We made an emergency stop in Holy Loch, Scotland. We needed a part for the ships water purifier and had to wait until one could be delivered. So we were given "Cinderella liberty" meaning we had to be back onboard the ship before midnight. Some friends and I set out at 10am in search of an open pub for a glass of suds. Town was just a brisk 5 mile walk. Later we learned that we could have called a cab.
We arrived in town at around noon to find nothing open, it was Sunday. After several hours of sightseeing, in a town it only took ten minutes to walk across, we found a pub owner willing to make money selling us beer. It was so nice of him.
About the time we learned that we could have taken a cab to town we also found out there was a bar on the base and the locals hung out there whenever a ship came in. Sailors are known for spending their money when in port. Who knew? 
This is where I met the pooka named Lola. 
She was about six feet tall, covered with hair and asked me to dance. When I politely declined she grabbed me and attempted to do unspeakable evil to me. She said, "Little boy I'm gonna make you a man". So I ran...I ran so far away. 
When I returned to the ship at 11:59pm I found out liberty had been extended to 0700 or 7am. I also discovered beer in Scotland is a lot stronger than here in the good old US of A. So I retired for the evening. The next day I heard Lola the pooka had found another victim. He was later discharged for mental instability.
Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Star Wars to Ice Fishing to Prime Rib

Day 37

Wow. December 15 and the lake has no signs of freezing. It's also looking like a brown Christmas here as the temperatures are too warm for snow, although we have had plenty of rain.

Three days to the December 18th release of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie and it is scheduled for the local Pines Theater. Hurray! THe Pines has a showing scheduled for the 17th for more info Pines Theater info. I won't be fighting for a seat until after the first few days but I'm sure it will be a sell out every night of the three weeks it is scheduled to run (assuming it doesn't get extended).

On December 19th the Kirtland Center for the Performing Arts will be doing a live radio broadcast of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" at 5pm on 100.3 FM.

Finally because I'm hungry and need to finish this entry so I can eat.
Matt's Lake Street Grill and Pizzeria will be open on December 25th with a Christmas Dinner Prime Rib buffet from 11am to 5pm. Including Ham, chicken and shrimp and many other holiday favorites. So if your not invited to Christmas dinner or you don't celebrate Christmas you can still have a fabulous dinner. Mom and I aren't doing anything this year so I'll see you there.

The new Little Caesars pizza is still under construction although I've heard there will be a grand opening on January 8, 2016. The new Little Caesars is situated between Arbys and Garretts restaurants. Should be a better location than the current one at the west end of the lake. The current one will be closed when the new one is opened.

Until tomorrow,


Monday, December 14, 2015

The Season of Hope

Day 36

I find I'm so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
     Red-Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

Hope is the best thing.
     Andy Dufresne-Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Christmas Carol Scrooge and His Nephew Quote

Day 35

“Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? You’re poor enough.” “Come, then,” returned the nephew gaily. “What right have you to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? You’re rich enough.” 
― Charles DickensA Christmas Carol

Until tomorrow,


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Goodnight Irene, Goodnight Irene...

Day 34

Have you ever awakened from a dream and you weren't sure if you were dreaming still? What I mean is are you awake or still dreaming, it's just different? I've read we all dream even though we don't remember. And we dream about 12 different dreams each time we sleep. I assume this is spread over an eight hour period. A sleep cycle lasts about thirty eight minutes. A cycle is much like a whale swimming in the sea. It starts on the surface and then submerges deep down, and eventually resurfaces to catch a breath and goes back down again. When we come back up we don't awaken but we are close, then we sink back down into a deep sleep. This is when we dream.

So here's the story.

The other night I had a dream. I drove to my friend Irene's apartment to vacuum her carpet. I once owned a cleaning business and this woman was my partner. I'm sure she didn't need me to vacuum her rug, it was just an excuse to visit since I hadn't seen or spoken to her for some time. When I went inside there was a large group of people there. It was a party. Irene's two sisters were there and walked over to greet me. I felt out of place. I thought because I hadn't been invited. Then I saw Irene. She smiled and started to walk my way. She looked so great, so alive. There was laughter in her eyes. She was so beautiful. I hadn't seen her look this good in awhile. She kept moving closer.

I began to wonder why she hadn't invited me. I remembered I hadn't seen Irene in a long while. She stood in front of me, almost touching me. She didn't say a word but kept smiling. I started to wake. My chest tightened up, my throat closed as I choked back a sigh. As I woke felt hurt, I couldn't understand why she hadn't invited me.

I was in that place between awake and asleep. That place where Never-Never Land is suppose to be. That place where all your dreams come true. But my dream wasn't coming true. My heart was breaking. Again.

The fog of sleep lifted and I remembered Irene had passed away over ten years ago. I reasoned that's why she didn't invite me. It just wasn't my time yet. Her sisters were there though they had not spoken either. I haven't heard from anyone in her family for many years now. Something may have happened to them.

Some cultures believe that when we sleep the soul leaves the body and walks through another world. A world just as real as this one. A world somewhere between asleep and awake. A world where anything is possible. Good night Irene. I'll see you in my dreams.

Until tomorrow,


Friday, December 11, 2015

EBAY Has Taken Over My Home

Day 33

Like most people I can always use a little extra cash, especially around the holidays. It's not the gifts so much as my truck and car insurance is due at the beginning of December, then the license plates come due in March and a few months after that the truck and car insurance is due again. Of course, all of the holidays and events. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, college bowl games, Super Bowl, Valentines Day, and tax day. All require money and spending. I'm not required to spend the money (except the taxes) but I like to celebrate and a little extra cash is helpful.

This is were the allure of Ebay comes in. Selling used castoffs in my case. I started like most ebayers selling items found around the house that I didn't want anymore. I simply read a book about selling on Ebay, opened an account and started selling. Soon my own personal treasure trove was empty so I went in search of more quality used goods I could sell. First I tried estate and garage sales. Most people have a high regard for what their used items are worth, often asking near new prices no matter the condition of the item. Next and foremost I went to thrift stores buying garage sale donations at more reasonable prices.

Shopping was good until thrift stores started asking Ebay prices for some of the high quality and not so high quality items. Even placing hand made signs quoting Ebays asking price (silly since Ebays selling prices are very fluid). I have even found items with labels destroyed to devalue them to discourage resellers. Thereby also discouraging their intended buyers from purchasing. Bad business. But this is not a lesson in business practices.

After some trial and error I settled on clothes as the best for availability, cost of goods, demand and shipping costs. There are always plenty of quality items available at low prices, since clothing is the life blood of most thrift stores. Travelling from place to place perusing, haggling and sometimes purchasing was actually the fun part and I hate shopping.

Then came the dull drudgery of listing the items for sale. Setting up a small photo studio with lights and a half mannequin. Examining the clothes under harsh lighting for flaws I may have missed. Holes, tears and missing buttons. Also odors undetectable in the store. Lost inventory goes into a pile off to the side. Sizes mean nothing, you have to measure each item and include in the body of the listing. Take lots of good pictures of each item in front of a pleasing background, thus the small photo studio.

Sit down in front of the computer, load and check the photos, adjust for brightness and clarity. Think of an eye catching title that will get a buyer to look at your item. Write a description that accurately describes the item and gives it purchasing appeal. Research asking and actual selling prices to set your price either for maximum profit (higher) or quick sale (lower). Most sellers start out asking the former but end up accepting the later. Listing quickly became a chore. So you'll understand that my shopping far outran my listing and selling.

Only a small number of your items will sell at a profit and much of that is eaten up by Ebay fees, the cost of goods sold and (my favorite) shipping costs (my largest single expense is shipping). Remember each listing costs 30 cents, not much until you have a couple hundred listings, a bare minimum to make any money. And that is just a quick synopsis.

I had bags of unlisted clothing stashed in every closet. Soon they overflowed into my living room. My home became an obstacle course of trash bags filled with used clothes. I was on the verge of becoming a reality TV show on hoarding. My little project to make a few extra dollars became a job of long hours (listing) with little pay (profits) to show for my labors.

A few days ago I decided I had had enough and began to "clean house". I have gone through countless bags and gleaned the best possible items with the most potential to sell. The rest have been returned to the local thrift store for resale or donation to the needy. Either way they are out of my house. I must go to work and list these items now during the selling season to squeeze the profit out of what I have left. Come summer whatever is left goes to the thrift store.

I haven't given up on making money online from my home, I have just moved on from clothing. Now I have an item I can readily acquire from my home at minimal cost, shipping is very low and I can sell on more than one venue. The best part is these items take a mere fraction of the room the clothing did. My new idea? Well that's for another time.

I'm getting my home back and that's the main thing.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Single Mans Easy Roast Beef Dinner

Day 32

It's December 10th here in northern Michigan and the ground is a autumn brown. I have an english cut chuck roast with carrots, potatoes and onion in the slow cooker. Another hour yet before it's finished and the meaty scent is making my stomach grumble.

If you like tender roast beef and you haven't had an english cut chuck roast in a slow cooker, then next time you have a hankerin' give this a try. Remember ENGLISH CUT CHUCK ROAST it has to be ENGLISH CUT (something to do with the area it is cut from).

Try this: 2-3 lb. english cut chuck roast
               6-8 medium potatoes
               6-8 carrots
               1 medium onion (I prefer sweet onion) optional
               1 can beef broth

Spray slow cooker with non stick spray (such as Pam).
Wash and halve potatoes and carrots and place potatoes in cooker first, they should cover the bottom, then the carrots. In a hot pan, sear both sides of the roast (keeps the juices in). Place roast on top of the carrots. If using an onion, peel and cut into quarters place next to roast. Shake can of beef broth and slowly pour over roast. Put on the cover and set for 8 hours. Then work up an appetite for eight hours. Do not be tempted to cut the cooking time short, I cut the time short by an hour once and the roast was chewy. I hate chewy.

Gravy? Heintz Savory Beef gravy in a jar. Like I said, "Easy".

Serve it up a salad and some crusty french bread.

Leftovers idea: Easy Stew. Cut up leftover roast, potatoes, carrots and onion. Cover with a jar of beef gravy. Heat and serve. Serve with bread.

Want to impress someone? Add a shrimp cocktail appetizer. Magnificent!!

Aside: I set a bag of frozen shrimp in the fridge to thaw, four hours later the shrimp is still frozen solid. Why do they tell you to thaw something in the fridge? It takes several days.

If you want to thaw shrimp quickly. Remove frozen shrimp from bag, place in warm water for about 30 minutes or so. Should feel rubbery and flexible when thawed. Too warm now? Place thawed shrimp in iced water for a few minutes to chill. Serve about 30 minutes before dinner with your favorite cocktail sauce.

Currently my favorite cocktail sauce is from Gordons Food Service, thick with just the right amount of horse radish for that little bite. I bought some Kens Steak House cocktail sauce and I can't wait to try it.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Musings from My Mind: Healing Power of Forgiveness

Day 31

Let me start out by saying I'm not here to preach. I was going to put this one off until Easter, but I'm feeling under the weather today and medicine is on my mind. So here goes.

I went to a Lutheran school while growing up in lower Michigan. We spoke often of forgiveness and forgiving others. It comes with the territory in Christianity (not preaching here just setting the background). Through eight years of bible study and wonderful stories, I learned I should forgive others for the hurt they cause me either intentional or otherwise. It was one of the key requirements for entry into heaven (still not preaching). I don't remember being told of the other advantages.

Here comes the story.

As my brother and I were driving home from getting our tickets for this weekends showing of Dashing Through the Snow, we decided to take the scenic route. This was one of the reasons I moved to a small town in northern Michigan; I wanted to slow down, take in the scenery and smell the pine trees (not many Roses here). I've been halfway around the world and seen many beautiful places. Michigan is still at the top of my list partly because it's home. But I digress.

While driving around Higgins Lake we discussed different things as brothers often do, when I inquired about my grand nephew. He's lost his way and been a great concern to the family. This led to other topics. A good old fashion bitch session, something older people do now and then to relieve us of our concerns. My brother can be very outspoken when he is passionate about a subject. At the top of his list is family. Recently he said some things that were gnawing at him. A heat of the moment rant. Now his grandson isn't speaking to him. There needs to be some forgiveness on both sides.

I have pondered forgiveness recently because there are people I have wronged over the years. I would ask them to forgive me. Not for my personal well being but for their own.

It's not easy. There are some people who would willingly throw themselves in front of a train before forgiving someone who wronged them thereby letting the wrong doer off the hook.

When someone wrongs us whether real or imagined, it plants a seed. A life destroying, soul corrupting seed of anger and discontent. Some times it grows instantly, sometimes slowly over years, even after we've forgotten what it was that hurt us. Until we end up bitter, seeing fault were there is none. And whom do we hurt? If the other person is indifferent or oblivious to the problem then they are certainly not being hurt. In the end we mostly just end up hurting ourselves.

There's a conventional wisdom which states "Laughter is the best medicine". I wholeheartedly agree. Laughter works the muscles, while clearing the mind of unhealthy worries and relieving stress, which helps the body to heal. But laughter is only a temporary solution, unless we want to walk around looking like a blithering idiot, laughing all of the time. Great for the abs though.
There's a better way.

Another old adage says, "To err is human, to forgive is divine". I'm an old sinner and have no illusions of being divine (now I'm preaching). After many a drive around the lakes and many hours considering what I have learned over the years, I've found forgiveness is not about giving the other person a pass for what they've done. It's about grabbing the weed of hate, anger and sorrow and tearing it out by the roots. So that you can begin to heal and even laugh again (which as I've said is great for healing).

I don't have all the answers; I make mistakes like anyone else. But I do know the sweet release of forgiveness and the clarity of mind it can bring. It's like a dark veil being lifted from your eyes.

So my advice is to forgive and be at peace.

Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ghost of Christmas Past Quote

Day 30

Ghost of Christmas Past

“There are some upon this earth of yours who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name; who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.”

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol,  


Until tomorrow,


Monday, December 7, 2015

Dashing Through the Snow Going to a Show

Day 29

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I bought tickets for Dashing Through the Snow today. It is a Christmas comedy set in Tinsel, Texas at an inn filled with unusual characters. This is a local production at the Kirtland Center for the Performing Arts in Roscommon. Taking mom for a night out this Saturday. Should be fun. I'll report back after.

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Model Trains Not a Thing of the Past

Day 28

Last night I drove to Roscommon Twp to get some groceries at the local Glenns store. I could have gone to Walmart but it's a little crazy on the weekends, plus I enjoy the drive to Glenns. While I was standing in the parking lot a train came thundering through town, the whistle blasting out it's warning could be heard for miles. Trains come through so seldom that Fred's Restaurant and Bowling Alley, which is next to the railroad tracks, buys all customers a round on the house. This brought to mind a memory from my childhood.

When I was about seven years old, my brother had a Lionel train set. The set had two different engines; a modern Santa Fe and a black steam locomotive, several freight cars and a caboose. The black locomotive would puff smoke if you dropped a special tablet into the smoke stack. There was many feet of metal track and a long curved tunnel shaped like a mountain which had to be placed perfectly or the train would hit the side and try to move the mountain.

My brother Tom and I weren't allowed to play with it because it was our oldest brother Bill's train set and it used a large electric transformer that was considered possibly dangerous. Mostly though it was because it belonged to my brother and he didn't want us to play with it. He was older and bigger than us, so he got his way.

When our parents and brother were not home we would sometimes pull out the three boxes of track and trains and the heavy controller. We would set up the track in different configurations from ovals to figure eights and the tunnel under the mountain was a must. We would spend hours running the trains and when we were really daring we would put a pellet in the smoke stack of the steam engine and wait for it to warm up and start puffing smoke rings as it went around and around. Daring because there was a limited supply of pellets. Often a model car would  stall on the tracks and POW, train wreck. The plastic car would fair much worse than the heavy metal train.

When we heard a car pull into the driveway we would scramble to pull the track apart, put the locomotives and freight cars back in the box and lug the transformer/controller (I swear it weighed a hundred pounds) back upstairs to the attic. Then innocently stroll back down the stairs. Eventually the train set stayed in the basement where would set it up but when we didn't have to sneak, it lost it's appeal. I guess half of the fun was carrying it down from the attic to the basement and back without getting caught.

Back then there were enthusiasts who would set a piece of plywood with permanent trees, bushes buildings and complete little towns with road crossings and even people. Some with enough track to run several trains at the same time. Truly amazing. There are still people who do this today.

I went online just to see what a model train set costs now and found that model trains have changed over the years. There are a plethora of different models, many run on batteries and are remote controlled. Currently the most popular would be a replica of the Polar Express, and even this has many variations and price ranges. Also there are many train shows and clubs still here in Michigan. I may have to take a ride to see one and feel young again for a day.

Until tomorrow,


Saturday, December 5, 2015


Day 27

The championship game is tonight. But the big championship game is not until next year. Still tonight's game is huge. For the Spartans to reach the NCAA championship game they first have to beat undefeated Iowa tonight in Indianapolis. Should be easy, right? Wrong.
Tonight they play the only undefeated team in the Big 10. And that's never easy, even in the so called "watered down" Big 10. I hope the Spartans are not dismissing the Hawkeyes by looking ahead. Most local pundit's believe MSU is a shoe in to play Clemson in the first elimination. 

The Spartans are a legitimate national powerhouse and should be capable of dispatching Iowa. Unless there is a total meltdown of the committee, they should give MSU the fourth and final spot if not better. So keep your fingers crossed and then keep your fingers crossed again.


Until tomorrow,


Friday, December 4, 2015


Day 26

Aw, what did I just tell you. Slept most of the day recovering from Detroit Lions "no time on the clock last play" because of a face masking penalty on the real last play. My throat still hurts from yelling at the television. The Lions are cursed, that's the possible explanation. The players played hard and they played well. The coaching staff have done a good job.

The defense makes the Packers fumble, the ball goes forward 10 yards across the goal line, only to be covered by a Packers player for a touchdown. The Packers defense grabs Stafford's arm fro a fumble at the 10 yd line and then get a touchdown right after. Finally the questionable face mask call giving the packers one more play even though time has expired and the "hail Mary" pass caught by the Packers for a touchdown to win the game. NOBODY has that much bad luck in one game, except the LIONS. It's a curse.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, December 3, 2015

I am a Procrastinator

Day 25

I am a procrastinator. There I've admitted it, but it doesn't change anything. I have a hole in my kitchen floor about the size of a mans size thirteen gray slipper right foot. How do I know? Because that's what made the hole. And it's not the first hole. Just a continuation of another hole. I put my whole right leg through the first hole. I should have completely removed and replaced that section of the floor. I went fishing instead. Numerous times.

I went to Home Depot to get a piece of wood to cover the hole so I won't get any uninvited guests tonight. I placed the piece of plywood over the hole and checked by the door to see if I had taken the screws back out to the shed after I had covered the first hole. Fortunately I had procrastinated about taking them back to the shed so I didn't have to fumble around in the dark looking for the screws. One for procrastinating.

I grabbed the cordless drill motor off the table where I left it after covering the first hole. Two for procrastinating. The screw bit was still in the chuck, That's three. I loaded a screw and started to run it into the wood cover to keep it from moving. The battery was dead. I had put off charging it. While the battery is charging I have time to write my blog entry for today. Call that even.

So while I'm waiting for the drill motor battery to charge I'll just say this. If I had done the job right in the few hours it would have taken, I wouldn't have needed the drill motor or the screws. But it all worked out in the end. Soon I'll be watching football. I can finish patching the hole in the morning.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Papa's Key of Life: A Story

Day 24

He walked up the center aisle past the rows of gunmetal gray folding chairs. His steps were slow and deliberate like the pendulum of a clock. Eyes downcast, watching as first one shoe would appear then the other. There was a small scuff mark on the left toe, it would have to be buffed out. Looking up he saw the bronze metal casket with golden handles. The right half was closed and draped in a blanket of red roses. The left half was open showing the ruffled, lily white satin liner. His mind drifted back to just a few weeks ago.

Papa, why do people die?”

The old man hesitated a moment and then continued to shuffle forward down the hall until he and the boy were standing in front of the dusty grandfather clock. He opened the glass door on the front, reached down and picked up the key. He reached up, opened the clock face and inserted the key. The boy could here the sharp click, click, click as Papa wound the clock spring. The key was placed back in the body of the clock and with a gentle nudge the pendulum started to swing side to side in a slow hypnotic rhythm. Papa turned to the boy with a thoughtful expression.

People are very much like this old grandfather clock. When we are born an angel comes down from heaven with a key. The key of life.”

They walked back to the study and Papa sat down in his favorite chair next to the fireplace. The boy climbed up into his lap and snuggled into the crook of his arm.

The angel inserts the key right here”, he said pointing to the boys belly button. “You see? Then the angel gives it a turn and winds up the life spring inside us. When the spring of life winds down our souls are set free, like a moth leaves it's cocoon and then flies away. How long we live depends on how many turns of the key we receive.”

The boys mother took his hand in hers bringing back to the present. She wiped away a tear. The boy peered over the side of the casket. It looked wrong somehow. This was not his Papa. This looked more like a department store mannequin, plastic and cold. He remembered what his Papa had told him. This was just a cocoon, the soul had already departed.

His mother smiled and said, “Your Papa loved roses”

The boy watched the delicate wings flex next to a red petal and said, “He sure does.”

Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Musings From My Mind: Computer Dating

Day 23

Back in the 70's, when I was much younger, my cousin convinced me that she had a friend who liked me. The plan was I would call this friend on the phone and ask her if she wanted to go to the varsity basketball game on friday night. I felt scared, excited and queasy all at the same time. What if she didn't like me? What if she said no? What if she said yes? I broke out in a cold sweat. My mouth and throat felt like the Sahara desert at midday. I picked up the phone and started to dial then hung up. I dialed again, the phone on the other end started to ring. What if mother answered? What if her father answered? I was facing the firing squad without a blindfold. She said yes. I went through hell and came out the other side and found paradise.

I dated that same girl for eight years through high school and college. She became the other half of my life, the better half even. We had our ups and downs as any couple does. It's all a part of growing. In the end, we grew apart. She wanted to get married and I just wasn't ready. It may not have been the best relationship I ever had but it's in the top two. She set the bar awfully high.

(Had to stop for a glass of wine, I was getting all choked up)

As I aged it became easier to ask but more difficult to date. I always felt I was being compared to the "Ex". Checking for similar flaws to the last guy. Eventually I met someone with the same ambitions as me and a personality similar to my high school sweetheart. We didn't always agree; we learned about each other. We were together for eleven years until her untimely passing at the age of 43. This was the other of my top two relationships. Both relationships took courage and compromise and time to develop.

Nowadays young people simply fill out a form on the computer and a dating sight shows them several of the best possibilities for a successful relationship. My favorite commercial is when the young woman says, "I don't have time...". OK the bar scene may not be your best bet to finding true love, there are other places to look. I have to wonder if she doesn't have time to look for a relationship (the reason for the speed and convenience of using a dating service), how will she find time to HAVE a relationship.

The dating companies brag about the number of marriages resulting from their match making services. They never mention how many end in divorce. How long do their match ups last?

I never started a relationship with the soul purpose of getting married. I did it for the experience and companionship and the love.

Take a chance. Ask someone your interested in. Don't wait for a computer to set you up with yourself. Variety is the spice of life.

Until tomorrow,
