Friday, January 1, 2016

Scariest Book I Have Ever Read...So Far

Day 54
Scariest Book I Have Ever Read...So Far

The scariest novel I have ever read, in my 56 years, is Dracula by Bram Stoker. I'm sure there many readers out there who will think me antiquated and that there are many modern books that are creepier. My answer to them is yes, there are many comparable horror novels out there. And I have read quite a few of them but I read Dracula back when I was twelve years old. As a typical young boy I saw the old black and white, Bela Lugosi horror movies and the newer color Christopher Lee depictions of Dracula. So I wanted to read the original. I found a copy at the library and brought it home ready to learn the true story. That evening I began to read Dracula. I didn't get far.

I read all the way to the part when Dracula returns from his nights feeding. His three female vampire slaves are about to drain Jonathan Harker against Dracula's orders. When Dracula comes through the window carrying a bag that is squirming. I thought it would be a small animal, a lamb maybe. The three females plead with Dracula to be allowed to feed on Harker, but no, Dracula still needs Harker. Instead he has brought them something from the village to feed on. A human baby. I felt a chill and my stomach felt queasy. How could anyone even suggest such barbarism. Such evil.

It was scarier than any movie I had seen. The description of the evil and cruelty couldn't be matched in a movie. The movie sensors at that time would never have allowed a general audience to view a movie containing that scene. It probably would have been rated X adults only.

I read no further. I didn't sleep that night afraid Dracula would come for me, a bag with a squirming baby held in his hand. Since then I have tried to read the story all the way through. I don't like to leave a book unfinished. It's no longer terrifying to me just the chase gets boring for me. I will try again soon to finish what I started when I was twelve.

A more recent read and also at the top of my list is a novel with an awful title.

Gone, Girl by Gillian Flynn.

One of, if not the best psychological thriller I have read to date. I must admit I saw the movie first. The movie stays true to the book. I won't write anymore as there are numerous twists and I don't want to reveal anything if you haven't read it. And if you haven't, give it a read. It's amazing how far someone will go to get back at a loved one.

Until tomorrow,


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