Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Procrastination Station

Day 331

I am suppose to be doing two things this week. One, I am suppose to give mt home a real cleaning. I mean everything. Go through the whole house and make a pile of everything I don't use and will not use in the near future. Then it either goes out to the street for trash pick up or donated to the thrift store. I have way to much clutter and I can't do a good cleaning with so much junk in the way.

The other thing I am suppose do is turn off the TV and do some serious writing. Just cut loose and see what comes out. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation or spelling. Just write whatever comes to mind. If it's a few pages or a few hundred pages.

Tonight is Tuesday. I have done nothing so far, except take out the trash and write my blog. I write on this blog each night because I'm meeting a challenge..

Not good enough. I have to do better. I need to set aside several hours each day for writing.

And I will...starting tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,


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