Thursday, October 6, 2016

AHS: Roanoke...Cricket Is In The House

Day 333

In case you haven't been following me, I love the American Horror Story series. The sixth installment is called My Roanoke Nightmare or just Roanoke, part of the story being about what happened to the settlers of Roanoke who disappeared without a trace. Nothing was left but an inscription on a tree saying "croatoin".

The series involves a haunted house and now a witch (played by Lady Gaga).

My favorite character is Cricket. He is a psychic who has arrived just after a young girl has
disappeared. After holding a seance, Cricket boldly states that he knows where the girl is and can take the others to her. Wait for it...for twenty five thousand dollars,

As he is about to be physically thrown out of the house he explains he doesn't use his psychic abilities for free. He even likens himself to a pharmaceutical company when he states, "If you have a miracle cure and one child can't afford it, you don't just give it away." That's not exact but you get the picture. Reminds me of the EpiPen company, except, they'll give you a slight discount.

I like the character from a writers standpoint. He's about 5' tall, bleach blond hair with a bowl cut (early Beatles), sixties style clothes and in his late forties. Plus I love the name Cricket. He is the kind of character that can really make a story interesting. A character I love to far. He may still find redemption in the end. That's just a guess, no spoiler.

A.H.S. Roanoke can be seen at 10 PM on Wednesday nights on FX.

Until tomorrow,


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