Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A True Magic Castle...

Day 332

Earlier today, as I was doing nothing that I was suppose to do, while channel surfing YouTube, my favorite internet destination, I came a across a video taken at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California.

I love a good magic show. Ever since I was a young boy and saw a magician at the Michigan State Fair, I have marveled at the seemingly impossible. I dove into books and even had a junior magicians magic set (actually I had several) attempting to learn the secrets of prestidigitation (thank goodness for spell checker). The one thing I takes a lot of both practice and patience, in equal parts.

I can still do a couple of small tricks but I never learned any of the big illusions. Then along came the Masked Magician, telling the secrets that have been known to only a privileged few. He would perform the big illusions and then show how it was done. I found this rather anti-climactic. After so many years of watching master illusionists perform impossible feats in front of live audiences, I was disillusioned.

I stayed away from magic for many years and only recently have I become enamored with it again. The real secret to magic is the show. How well does the magician engage the audience? How close is the audience? Can he pull off the illusion even when you know what to watch for?

At the Magic Castle the Up Close Gallery has only twenty-six seats. Magic up close and personal. These are slight-of-hand tricks. Usually the first tricks learned and they are performed flawlessly by master magicians.

The Parlour of Prestidigitation is considered a medium sized theater with seating for 58 guests.

The Palace of Mystery is the largest show for the grand illusionists.

The fellow in the video is Pop Hadyn  performs in the Up Close Gallery. He is funny as well as polished. Most of us have seen card tricks before but the magic he does is nothing short of amazing. A great show. Give the video a look. I think you'll be amazed.

Click here for Magic Castle website.

Until tomorrow,


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