Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring: A Time of Rebirth

Day 139

Another beautiful day here in northern Michigan, temperature reaching fifty degrees and lots of sunshine. It won't be long now before I'm fishing and complaining about the heat and mosquitoes. And those ankle biting flies that bite right through your socks.

So it goes season after season, always wishing for the next. Autumn will always be my favorite season but I do enjoy the birth in the spring, the nurturing of summer, the rewards of autumn and the sleep of winter.

All things are born, live as best they can, then die to nourish the rest. Mother Earth wastes nothing, all things are recycled. All things are born again.

The ducks have returned soon to be followed by the geese. The wild tom turkeys strut and fan their tail feathers to attract the females for nesting.

In a few months, the little ones will be seen with their mothers searching for food as the males stand watch for protection. They will grow quickly and fatten themselves off the plenty of autumn, in preparation for the cold winter.

If they survive the winter they will nest and mate and have little ones of their own. If they do not survive they will provide sustenance for other creatures. The cycle of life. Nothing wasted. Truly remarkable.

Until tomorrow,


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