Sunday, March 20, 2016

Houghton Lake Ice Off-Fishing Licenses April 1, 2016

Day 133

The ice is gone from Houghton Lake. There is a small amount along the shore, washed up from the wind in a few spots. The weather is predicted to be near 40 degrees for the next two weeks but that can change at any time.

I won't get out fishing until the temps hit 60 degrees consistently, I'm not young anymore and don't like the cold when I'm fishing.

I like to just set up my folding chair in a nice open spot along the shore, or go out trolling in my Bass Raider two man boat. I've been fishing with the Bass Raider for 6 or 7 years and have never had anyone else along. I might take my nephew this year if he wants to go. My brother and I together would put us way over the weight limit of the small boat. But my nephew is very thin. No weight problem.

I get excited just thinking about it.

I love fishing. But I don't eat fish. I catch and release. Anyone who fishes with me knows if your not going to eat it I'll tell you to release it. There's no reason to keep fish until they are dead, just to dump them out. Put the fish back and let them get bigger.

I have already stocked up on my favorite jig heads. I bought the last bottle of fish attractant at the Walmart. I have to check my bobbers and be sure the reels are oiled and ready.

I need to start exercising so I can make it down the embankment and back up again at the Reedsburg Dam. Fishing by the river is suppose to be good all year long. I don't fish once the fall high temps hit 50 degrees and lower so I can't verify the winter fishing.

I'll be reporting fishing conditions throughout the rest of the year. Don't forget 2016 fishing licenses are required starting April 1.

Until tomorrow,


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