Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sleep Test Take 2

Day 193

I went for a sleep apnea test a couple of weeks ago. Naturally I couldn't fall asleep. Being in a strange bed with wires connected to me and without my sleeping companion (my cat), it was near impossible for me to fall asleep until the last two hours I was there.

Only lang enough to confirm I have sleep apnea but no enough time left for cpap machine testing. For that I have to go back tonight.

So as I struggle not to take my afternoon nap, I decided to write my blog entry early and have it out of the way.

I have had sleep apnea for years but like so many others I have resisted wearing a mask at night to help me sleep. Detrimental to my sex life. That no longer being an issue and the fact that I spend my days as if I have just run a marathon, I decided to give cpap a try.

My weight is a contributing factor but I can't find the energy to exercise. I can't even find the energy to go fishing as I don't believe I would be able to load my boat back into my truck.

I am hoping I will be able to get better sleep and be more rested when I wake up.

If all goes well, I'll be able to keep my resolution to lose weight and get more writing (and fishing) done. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

So I hope I can sleep tonight, so that I may be able to sleep better, every night.

Until tomorrow,


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