Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Burrito Diablo...Ay Yi Yi

Day 198

I went to Taco Bell for a couple of Cheesy Double Beef burritos. I grabbed the usual handful of the Hot sauce packets. I always go inside because if you go through the drive thru, your lucky to get three of the hot sauce packets and I use that much on one burrito.

When I grabbed the packets I noticed they had a new sauce called Diablo sauce. Obviously Diablo (devil), hinting at extremely hot.

Now I'm not some macho guy who goes around eating whole cayenne peppers and washing them down with jalapeno brine straight from the jar. But I can hold my own with prepared fast food hot sauce. So I threw a few in my bag and headed home.

I slathered the Diablo onto my first burrito, assuming it wouldn't be more than a couple of degrees hotter than my usual.

I took a big bite being as I was hungry. My experience has been that most spicy peppers take a few seconds before revealing their full degree of heat. The Diablo sauce was no different. It started with the heat of a small spark. No big deal. But it increased from there to camp fire hot.

I began to sweat.

My male pride got the better of me. I took another bite.

At first, nothing. The flame stayed the same but no worse. I thought, "Is that all you got?"

The challenge was like throwing gas on a fire. I frantically waved my hand in front of my mouth. A futile gesture, or so it seemed. The fanning added oxygen and my eye brows burst into flame.

My stomach started to feel queasy. I had visions of me with my head thrown back, vomiting into the air, spewing lava like a human volcano. At this point, a glass of jalapeno juice would have been as refreshing as a cold glass of iced tea.

At first, I thought I had blacked out. I looked down to see my burrito, innocently resting on the wrapper with a big bite missing. After a few minutes I decided I must have fallen asleep. It was then I realized I was still hungry.

So I picked up the burrito and took another huge bite.

Until tomorrow,


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