Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sea Sounds

Day 101

I hope you enjoyed the Legend of the Christine Dore. It was inspired by true events. I have traveled under the ice shelf twice during my years of navy submarine service. The ice does make all kinds of sounds. A child crying and saying mama was heard by several of the sonarmen as well as other crew members that happen to be in the sonar "shack" at the time. One of the crew members remarked that the ice sounded like his wife moaning. I listened and then told him, "Your right. It does sound like your wife moaning." He promptly hit me with his headset. Such was life on submarines.

Sea life has their own sounds. Whale song is possibly the most well known due to it's relaxing properties. Dolphins were similar but a trained ear could tell the difference. Large groups of shrimp sound like popcorn popping or sizzling bacon. Ships also have distinct sounds. A well trained sonarman can tell how many blades a propeller (called a screw) has and approximately how fast she is traveling and if she is coming toward or away from the submarine.

ALL CONTACTS even friendly's are considered targets. An old submarine adage says."There are two types of ships at sea, targets and submarines."

Until tomorrow.


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