Monday, November 16, 2015

Ultimate Holiday Fight Shopping on Pay Per View

Day 8


One of the worlds largest retailers announced today that they will be selling "pay-per-view" viewing of the holiday shopping frenzy that occurs during their Black Friday sales events.

In store specials will no longer be scheduled for different times during the day. All specials will begin at the same time. Executives believe this will increase the "action" between shoppers scrambling and ultimately fighting over deals located throughout the store from one end to the other. Store security cameras be used to capture the "live feed" of the spectacle.

An anonymous source disclosed that the decision came to monetize the shopping carnage after reviewing the growing popularity of cable "reality shows" and Ultimate Fighting events, the no holds barred style of fighting also popular on cable. Citing the "need to cut losses" incurred by the super low prices of items on sale.

"We needed a way to make up for the loss of profit on the items we sell much to cheaply. Our investors expect the highest possible profits, after all."

The pay-per-view idea has been in the pipeline for several years. Some personal rights groups believe the recording of people without their consent is wrong and an invasion of their privacy rights. Store attorneys have argued that by entering stores the shoppers are giving their permission to be recorded on the security cameras and that the stores retain the rights to use the recordings to make money any way they deem acceptable.

"Where's mommy?" 

(This shopping orphan was left to hold a place in line while his parents went off to other parts of the store for super sale items. The parents never returned)

When shoppers were asked if they had concerns most replied, "I'm OK with it as long as I can TiVo it to watch later. What the hell I could be on TV."

Plans are also in the works for blu ray and dvd to be released before the next holiday season.

Note: Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Until tomorrow remember "Laughter is the best medicine."


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