Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Here's a Shot of Wild Turkey

Day 17

It's the day before Thanksgiving and the day started in the usual way which I won't elaborate on here. I dragged my feet into the kitchen to find the coffee wasn't made. Probably because I hadn't made it. While the coffee maker was spitting out the dark, bitter brew that makes my mornings bearable, a thought occurred to me that I should wash the dinner dishes from the night before. This is called multi-tasking.

I began filling the sink and glanced out of the window to see how much snow was left on the ground (the previous day had been warm). When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear? The two legged delight from many a Thanksgiving dinner. There must have been thirty of them or more, both young and old. I've noticed some very late hatchlings this past summer. It must have something to do with the very cold and harsh winters we've had recently. I watched them as they slowly turkey trot past my window. The tom turkey coming up the rear gave me the stink eye with his beard bristling.

I grabbed my new cell phone with the built in camera and tried to take a shot of wild turkey, but the window was too dirty for a clear picture. The front of the procession had gone around the end of my house so I went to the front doorwall. As soon as I slid it open my old tom cat leapt inside and turned to see if he had been followed. My cat is a bad ass when their sparrows, but not so tough with wild turkeys as large as a medium size dog.

I soon realized the phone wouldn't do. So I grabbed my 35mm Nikon. After my first attempt to get the shot, the turkeys had turned around and headed for the back of my neighbors house. Quickly I followed them trying to a picture but I didn't have the 200mm zoom lens on the camera and I couldn't get close enough.

I returned with the stronger lens in a jiffy but the birds had already flown the coup. It's all good though, tomorrows turkey won't be going anywhere but my belly.

Until then,


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