Monday, November 23, 2015

Bad Kitty and a Kindle Fire

Day 15

If you have been reading Houghton Lake Adventures you'll probably remember that I purchased a Kindle Fire 7 a couple of weeks ago, mostly for the purpose of reading free classic books on Amazon. So far it has served that purpose admirably.

I enjoy reading in the evening when I retire to my bed. I generally lay on my stomach and prop the Kindle up on the headboard. Sometimes I lie on my back but normally I lay on my stomach.

I have two cats; one male, one female. The male is known by several names depending on his mood. Usually I call him Pretty Boy. 

Now Pretty Boy is a big orange tabby tomcat and he likes to sleep with me at night. When I go to bed he joins me. After walking back and forth between my Kindle and myself he'll sit down to the right, then scootch up as close as possible to the edge of the reader and ever so slowly lower his head toward the other side.

I move the Kindle to my left until it is perched on the very edge of the bed. Again I have a clear view of the 7” screen. The Kindle Fire 7, like other tablets has a touchscreen. When I want to turn the page I just tap or swipe the screen. I suspect Pretty Boy knows this and occasionally bats or swipes the screen with his paw. He places his paw on the screen and the page turns several times. I get angry. I shoo Pretty Boy away.

A moment later he comes back and lays down with his backside facing the Kindle. I scratch his ears. He swings his tail in a circle like a pitcher winding up for the fastball. Thump. He hits the screen. The page turns but I can't tell if it went forward or backward. I try forward. Thump goes the tail. Pretty Boy purrs. I search for the lost page, but I can't remember what I read last. Back, back, back to a page I remember reading. Going forward, rereading each page until I finally reach my previous place.

Pretty Boy looks at me. He smiles and purrs loudly and before I can chase him away...thump, thump, thump. He gets off three lightning quick shots. A real gunslinger shooting from the hip. I scream. He yawns, stretches and begins to clean his tail. Then he kneads my brand new bedspread comforter with his claws. Finished he moves away and curls up on the other side of the bed. Gotta love 'em.

Until tomorrow,

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